Drupal Day 2020





7 de Outubro de 2022/ October 7, 2022
NTT Data, Atrium Saldanha, Lisboa/Lisbon


Sobre o Drupal Day / About Drupal Day

Organizado pela Associação Drupal Portugal o Drupal Day 2022 é o maior evento do ano da comunidade Drupal em Portugal.
O objetivo do evento é partilhar experiências e dar a conhecer uma das mais incríveis ferramentas de gestão de conteúdo open-source, usada por instituições e programadores em todo o mundo.
Preparamos sessões e workshops com alguns dos membros mais experientes da comunidade Drupal portuguesa para todos os que têm vontade e curiosidade de compreender e trabalhar com esta ferramenta.

O Drupal espera por ti!

Organised by the Drupal Portugal Association, Drupal Day 2022 is the biggest event of the year for the Drupal community in Portugal.
The goal of the event is to share experiences and make known one of the most amazing open-source content management tools, used by institutions and programmers around the world.
We have prepared sessions and workshops with some of the most experienced members of the Portuguese Drupal community for all those who are willing and curious to understand and work with this tool.

Drupal is waiting for you!

Submete a tua sessão / Submit your session (closed)

A submissão de sessões para o DrupalDay Lisbon está agora fechada. DrupalDay Lisbon 2022 session submissions are now closed.

Submete aqui a tua apresentação ou workshop agora! Submit here your presentation or workshop today!

Bilhetes / Tickets

Reserva aqui o teu lugar, porque o espaço é limitado. Register here your seat, because space is limited.

Como chegar / How to get there

Programa / Schedule

Time Main room Workshop room
9:45 Check-in  
10:15 - 10:30 Welcome Session
Ricardo Amaro @acquia.com
Ricardo Tenreiro de Sá @nttdata.com
10:30 - 11:00 Session: How to keep Drupal development attractive
Speaker: Tiago Velasques @nttdata.com
11:00 - 11:30 Session: We are not a community vampire
Speaker: Nelson Alves @nttdata.com
11:30 - 12:30 Session: Why Drupal is a shark
Speaker: Dominique de Cooman @dropsolid.com
Workshop: How to Get Things Done
Speaker: Montana Franco @nttdata.com
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch  
14:00 - 15:00 Session: Digital Marketing with Drupal
Speaker: José Fernandes @bloomidea.com
15:00 - 16:00 Session: How to deploy Drupal on AKS Kubernetes (with github actions)
Speaker: Frederik Wouters @dropsolid.com
Workshop: Build a NextJS /ReactJS site on top of Drupal
Speaker: Alejandro Moreno Lopez @pantheon.io
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee-break  
16:30 - 17:15 Session: Building Google like search experiences without busting the bank
Speaker: Joris Vercammen (Borisson_) @codana.eu
17:15 - 17:30 Closing Session
Associação Drupal Portugal @drupal.pt


18:00 - DrupalDay 2022 After Party

Location: Hotel EVOLUTION Praça Duque de Saldanha 4, 1050-094 Lisboa
Sponsored by: 



  • ADP
  • NTT-Data
